Sunday, 1 March 2020

Earth has enough resources....for our Needs, not a Greed!!!

The Event at SIET jointly organized by Yuva Shakthi & Enviroclub of JBAS was yet another pinch of Inspiration.
Firstly, I would like to recapitulate certain  views put forward by the our Guest of the day.

Mrs. Radha Sharma,
Co-Founder & Director of Earth Calling Expedition. She is a School Teacher (Biology) by profession, Wildlife Photographer and Enthusiast by Passion.

No one can deny that she stole everyone's heart today, Star Performer of the Event.

She is beautiful and also fair, her presentation and view were too... Infact, I realized the later part first.

She started her presentation with timelapse video of animating environment -  Drying up water bodies, Submerging Forest (i.e. Islands), Dwindling Biodiversity and many, it ended with the captioned photos of few Environmental Activists, Enthusiast, Forest Guard et al who has been hacked to death by the very own Greedy counterparts - Anthropogenic Activities.

She narrated her adventures into the Forest and her venture into Environmental Activities - Earth Calling Expedition.

She narrated a story of Tigress named Kankani (can't recall it belongs to Tadoba National Park of Maharashtra or Panna Tiger Reserve of MP). Anyways the story was more with emotions and Insights.

She had been following the tigress for approx. 3 years profoundly such that she could unveil the parental behavior of the species.

On a fine adventure, she found 3 Cubs playing with tigress as  expected. On the next trip, those Cubs where put in a fence of a 2-3km radius. Yes, the Tigress Kankani was no more, she was poached. She could find only the Spinal Cord remaining of the poached tigress, which she snapped a shot. It could unveil the horrific face of Mankind.

She briefed on the poaching of Tiger, Rhino, Elephant... et al. One point to be noted is their organs, skeletons are being used as an ingredients of Chinese Medicine.

The three cubs, which has lost their mother has been robbed of their ability/right to survive in the wild. The Mother(Tigress) is the one who could train up it's child for Natual ways of Hunting (Survival). They were put in fence to ensure their protection from other Tiger's attack. Now these cubs were left with no other option than put in Excitu (Zoos) as they can't be taught on forest instincts of Survival.

This message was very clear in the way she narrated. It is not just about Tiger, Forest, Poaching etc but had a deep insight into the importance of Parental care in General and Responsiblity of Women (Mother) in particular. The one who could create a better BREEDS OF FUTURE GENERATION.

She don't end it here.. Then she proceeded further... NOT EVERYONE, NOR EVERYTHING IS WRONG.... Human Being scientifically known as HOMOSAPIENS... meaning WISE MAN, at least few committed to be so... Yes, there are good people, who work-in-parallel to counter the destruction. 

We might be UNAWARE that Cheetahs were extinct in nature, but throwing/dumping Plastic Garbage in the water bodies is our NEGLIGENCE. It is not lack of awareness!!

You need not to be part of Expedition team or an Environmental Activists to save Earth. Your simple resolution to avoid investment on extra Apartment or Plots beyond the one for Habitation, avoiding plastics, avoiding leather bags, and any small such step of yours could protect the mother Earth.

Earth has enough resources....for our Needs, not a Greed!!!

Other part of the event...

Introduction by Ms.Kasturi was elegant. She attempted to make the audience interactive, but it was unsuccessful. Even Radha mam tried the same and failed but she conquered at the end of her lecture, few people raised up for Q&A session.

Ms.Janani's presentation on "Our Earth, One Earth..." well conceived. It touched up on the Technological frontiers... importance of biodiversity especially to protect ourself from geographical phenomenon like Tsunami etc. And also she elaborated on Biomimicing with an informative video clips.

Group Discussion on "Threats and Challenges". As I mentioned, the students were very attentive, but they were passive, less interactive. It started as a brainstorming, few voices listed the threats to Environment. Then I just summarized my views in 15-20 mints as Political, Financial, Technical and Behavioral Challenges.

Parallelly there was a demonstration on solid waste management, vermicompost making process.... were carried by Mr. Paramanand from Exonora. Unfortunately, I missed the demo session.

As it was an Annual Event of the college Enviroclub, students were also allotted with few works parallelly which made them restless, adding to it there was a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting otherside. Auditorium had a oscillating audience all through the event, still auditorium retained minimumstrength.

Ms.Haripriya's Bharathnatyam for Baharathiyaar songs was very appealing. 

The Street Play and Ad Zap events presented by different college students was thought provoking,  creative and engaging the audience. The way judges of the event commented/feedback, was informative and also aiding their future endeavors.

Ms.Ashiq Chidara presented the final ppt on "Be the Change" listing the Environmental Warrior who lead as an example in protecting the mother Earth... she took example from wide range of peole Farmers, Forest Dwellers, Salaried middle class and even an elite civil servant. 

And more admiring part of the event is again Radha mam, she was very attentive throughout the event, even after her guest speech. Of course, she was the first person to respond in the group discussion (As Sridhar sir often mention, the BOLDEST PERSON)

The student coordinators and organizers of Enviroclub were felicitated at the end of the session.

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