Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Learning to Contribute - Swami Vivekananda's Way

NATIONAL YOUTH DAY Lecture at IIT-Madras (20 Jan 2014)

The Event was organised by Vivekananda Study Circle (VSC-IITM). Lecture by Sri.V.Srinivas on "Learning to Contribute - Swami Vivekananda's Way" was really thought provoking. His lecture was aided by excellent power-point show it was simple and powerful. The session followed by Q&A interaction, which provide much more clarity on the subject. 

Our Speaker started his speech with few incident which he encountered-with ranging from Bank officials to Air Hostess, with this he differentiated Contributor versus Worker. In all those incident, People remain the prisoner of procedure instead of looking in to the Purpose, It makes them a mere worker in lieu of being a Contributor. He express with an embarrassment that even an High performing Organisation or Institution has only 4-5% contributor, all others remain mere workers. He said making Complete unselfishness is Swamiji's Ideal but in practical we must make at-least the  Expanded sense of Self (Which include Organisation & the Society at large, it is a better ideal instead of being Self-centered). 

He list down four stages for the same.
1. Transforming from Activity Focus - to - Purpose Focused.
2. Improving the Quality of Purpose (Rather than concentrating on Acquisition - it should be elevated to "Doing better work" - and at-last to be Evolutionary "Becoming a different Human Being")
3. Shifting Contributional Stance from "merely coping with life" - to - "Creating our own destiny" as Swami Vivekananda Suggest.
4. And final and most important stage is Making Sustainable Contribution(In this Rather than Material Aid, Empowerment of Being is more important).

He concluded by saying Swami Vivekananda's Karma Yoga is an Ideal (in which Unselfishness is the Motive for work, Good work is the process to attain Freedom where Spiritual evolution is a Frame of Personal Vision). Today we must follow the above 4 Stages to reach the Intermediate Level ( where Enlightened Self Interest is the Motive for Work, Positive Contribution to the Purpose which fetch both Inner & External development). He also highlighted the Survey Conducted by them which indicate Inner Fulfillment stands ahead of the External gratification.

About the Speaker
Sri V.Srinivas is founder and Lead researcher at Illuminate- a Human-Transformation Design Lab in Mumbai, India. He is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of INFAC (Which produce knowledge products in the area of industry research and information)

For the Full Lecture, follow the link,

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