Friday, 29 March 2019

Election: Game for the Throne, in a Democracy

How the Intellegentsia can mock the gullible masses?

Why/How people validate one's statement despite knowing that he/she is not credible....

Yesterday, when he/she says what i believe or whatever i want...   he was Intellectual Scholar... have doctorates from foreign University....  Visiting professor at reputed institutions....  Et al....

Today, he is an Intellectual Scoundrel....
Since he/she utter words against my belief...

Rationality.... it seems to be Coloured Rationality... (don't interpret it as a racist remark)

And few weeks ago...

We might see intellectual people, specialized in some field, with truck loads of knowledge but little biased to some'ism', certain ideas, political ideology, et. al.... . S/he may be Leftist, Rightist, Communist, et al.... It doesn't mean we should unsubscribe to all other views.... But how come we accept some one's point merely it align with our view despite of knowing that most of their opinion are of vested interest.... ??

Ok leave it.... (it doesn't matter... we so called educated people subscribe to many fb pages, groups despite knowing that they often share fake news & falsehood....)
Coming to the point...

Why Modi use A-SAT achievement as a political selling point?

Non-Functioning Government for past five year... now fasten-up the boot near the finishing line...

Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), is financial inclusion program of Government of India which is applicable to 18 to 65 years age group, that aims to expand and make affordable access to financial services such as bank accounts, remittances, credit, insurance and pensions. It paved way for Digital Payment Gateway, Financial Inclusion, Services at doorsteps... et al.... BHIM app, Phonepe, Google pay...  many such find its route to enable fund transaction in a single touch...

Modi Sarkar has launched a frontal attack on Indian bureaucracy’s greatest power — the power not to do anything. And it has done this via a brand new digital platform — called e-SamikSha ( Real-time inter and intra departmental tracker)

AIM is also envisaged as an umbrella innovation organization that would play an instrumental role in alignment of innovation policies between central, state and sectoral innovation schemes incentivizing the establishment and promotion of an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship at various levels - higher secondary schools, science, engineering and higher academic institutions, and SME/MSME industry, corporate and NGO levels.

Unsuccessful Demonetization, Partially achieved something intended...
Just as GST created one tax, one market, one India, the PMJDY and the JAM (Jan Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile) revolution can link all Indians into one common financial, economic, and digital space. Cash worth Rs 42,200 crore was deposited in 3.74 crore Jan Dhan accounts between November 8, 2016 - when Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his surprise note ban announcement - and December 30, 2016.

Under SWAYAM or Study Webs of Active –Learning for Young Aspiring Minds programme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, professors and faculties of centrally funded institutions like IITs, IIMs, central universities will offer online courses to citizens of India. It is designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality.

Ahead of the parliamentary elections, the Modi government’s ambitious flagship programme to “smarten” up 100 cities is finally showing some tangible results. Overseen by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and meticulously monitored through a scientifically devised system by the housing and urban affairs ministry.

India successfully tests anti-satellite weapon, says Modi. Now, India has become the fourth nation to have tested an anti-satellite weapon.

Is it not violation of Model Code of Conduct?

Is it require Prime Minister of the Country himself to announce it live on-air?

will it have any impact in the International Arena?

Here are some of the answers by Ministry of External Affairs.....

Check: Frequently Asked Questions on Mission Shakthi.

Just with these statements/ Justifications.... One could not easily neglect it rather an Election Gimmicks......

Everything is fair in love and war...

Election could be seen as a war of ideology,  war for majority, war for power... In India, Election equated to Season of Festival... Campaign, Public Meeting, Celebrity watch,  Manifesto, Promises, Accusation... etc...
One can do any gimmicks to win the election... One could be a Representative of People only if s/he could understand the people's behavior (Methodological Individualism)... s/he could tap the support of majority only by invoking their intellectual or emotional quotient (whichever is predominant, that should be used)

To win the game/war of Election... one can do anything... with any-means.... either with a visionary proposal/plan or short persisting emotions.... anything could drive the people to vote in someone's favour....
Not all the vote to be mobilized in this way... there is ardent supporter of parties, those directly benefited by that party in power... in no way or other, their vote  couldn't be diverted...( only people who proved to be neutral or justified to be, has the potential to move people across blocks - kudos to the culture of 'branding')

so who decides the results?? First Past The Post (FPTP)... whoever gets more votes... even few hundred votes or even a single vote would declare the winner...

In 2014 Election, BJP got only 31% of the total votes but was elevated to the thrown. It created hue and cry across the cyber space... also many came with idea of Proportional Representation ( BTW it would create Political Instability in diverse or large democracy like India... in turn would be detrimental to policy and economy progress)... 

coming back to the topic...

In the recently concluded Assembly Elections, consider the case of Madhya Pradesh, Congress got 40.8% votes and BJP got 41% votes... FPTP system put the former in the thrown ( as they got more number of seats)

What we have to note is the winning-strategy... the Finishing line... that few votes which decides the winner?

Take a closer look into Assembly Election vote shares... number of votes in NOTA and the vote margin of winning candidates... it would give you some Insight...

Yes... Tamil Nadu case is peculiar.. Not only NOTA to be  vote divider...  there are many Proxy-NOTA parties... which drive people into illusion... we often fail to notice that most of them are idiosyncratic...

Sometimes leaders invoke people in this way...
Many times by...
1. Claiming scientific milestone  Achievement... e.g. A-SAT 7 years effort of DRDO & ISRO
2. False or Manipulated statistics/reports
3. Emotional appeal, Pro-poor drama, Respecting everyone section of people... e.g. Sybolic washing of feets of Sanitation workers.
4. Loan waivers/Basic Income assurance
5. Spreading hatred... e.g. Loyalo event, Linguistic fissure, casteist remarks by many fringe groups....
6. Divisive politics, Identity politics... e.g."Nadar varalaru karuppa? kaviya?" book released, Madras HC permitted.
6. Politicizing crime incidents.... e.g. Kodanadu, Pollachi, Et al.
7. Hindering Economic activities of current government by allegations... e.g. Activities of IL&FS which works on GIFT CITY, has been crippled for several months other wise it might favored the party in power...
8. Sowing seeds of fear... e.g. Right-wing extremism, Mob-lynching, abatement of fundamental rights....
9. Threatening established Institution and norms... e.g. Sanatan Sanstha, Non-Sangi Right wing extremist group which spread disharmony against law enforcement agencies, police even Army & Military, with a aspiration of creating Theocratic Nation.
Any means can be used to again voter's confidence or support...

But what should be kept in mind?

Impact of those claims.. those means utilized to mobilize votes... consequences... is that short natured... is it minimum destructive.. will it have any long term negative consequences?

Political parties and Leaders should be little more responsible. For the sake of power capturing... demeaning the rules, law, institution is self-destructive in the democratic society....

Disclaimer: This post is not to deceive people in favour of any particular political party in the upcoming election...
Those people who are ardent (mis)believer of  the mirage of promises by your leaders especially those proxy-NOTA parties...
Please don't be angry on me... it is just my hypothesis... these parties make the result predictions little complicated... it doesn't mean it will led to defeat of the current party in power or vice-versa... it has a potential to do both....
#Stop_Branding #Stop_hate_politics

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