In my sixth class, i have no difference between Independence day and Republic day. My amma's training friend visit us often when i was young. He presented me a key chain 50th Anniversary of Indian Independence. He teased me for not knowing the difference. He clarified me in that occasion. Don't get astonished. He clarified me that Republic day falls on January and Independence day falls on August. That was the great difference about two celebrated National days.
Crying Wolf!! Wolf!!
Two different places... Two different issues... It shouldn't be Before and After.... Rather Yesterday and Today.... Of course Rs. 6000cr spend on this Bogibeel bridge... Double that of Rs. 3000cr #SOU The post intended to expose Media's reporting style.... Criticize the Government for anything and everything... #No_Hashtag
Comments: Karthi, both are 2 different situations..
Comments: I am shocked to see such a post from you man..
Comments: Yenna solla vara. Major media in india is polluted... Why concern on this specific ..??
My Reply:
This is to clarify all above comments...
Media in India is corrupt... Every institution/entity or even Every individual is corrupted on one way or other...
The post i shared is from Shakh Naad.... Unauthenticated pages similar to LimesofIndia, TimesHow, etc .... They often share baseless false allegations.... Even authenticated sources create confusion in the matter if financial technicalities involves.... Anyways I don’t follow any of these pages...i just Re-shared my friend's share, as the post reflected some of my anger.
What is that anger?
Fake news? Politicization of events? No... Not just that...
Isn't the R. TV biased to BJP... This question raises everywhere... I don't watch their news or debates... But fact is channel started in 2017 pitched against 30 years old channel.... Seems astonishing growth in earning enemies... Coming to the point.... Am not arguing why NDTV biased to any political ideology.... Never... Yes, Let them support any ideology or political party....
Then what is my contention then?
Bureaucrats, officials, staffs of government work with the conviction that their work would bring some change in the life of people, downtrodden... If it is violated it can be questioned for corrective action... That is duty of Media as a fourth organ or 4th pillar....
Ramsay Muir: “While governments may come and go, ministers may rise and fall, the administration of a country goes on for ever."
While media house finding Innovative points to criticize government's initiative and actions... Bogibeel bridge benefits 1.7 lakh people at the same time 170 people livelihood might get affected... What i choose to decide?
I will share posts against R. Tv if they accuse Government Machineries (irrespective it be NDA govt or UPA govt) with unsubstantiated/fake agenda. Such unscrupulous news item make people to choose extremities either to ignore all allegation or disbelieve all government initiatives... It is unhealthy for participative development (Development for, of, by the people)
Hope i addressed all contention on my wall post/share...
Don't take personally.... People commented above r my close n my well-wishers...
Comment: In all your posts, you want to toe the line of the ruling government.. don't know how far it's good to a society.. As ppl we should question/criticise every actions of the govt/bureaucrats as we have handed over unlimited powers to them to control us.. they aren't sacrosanct or above criticism.. whoever be in power, all their activities need to be scrutinized.. we are not here to praise them. All that praise will be in the form of votes in elections by the ppl who were benefitted out of it.
It's a known fact that all media is biased as it's owned by corporates. So our criticism should be even more pointed towards the ruling government lacunae. With regard to fake news and politicisation of events, it cannot be controlled as it's a negative offshoot of technology..
Yes... Government has been vested with unlimited power... people should be vigilant enough to curb misuse or arbitrary usage of power.... on the other hand, News Media as a 4th pillar/organ (include the Control-less Social Media) as a voice of civil Society & People.... has huge ability to deceive people .... guide them on Democracy (Ability to Appoint or Dismiss any government).... what we people used to is "Crying Wolf!! Wolf!!...." when real WOLF comes.... i.e. when government engage in real loot...... people will remain silent.... it is real threat to Participative Governance.... it will hinder Vibrant Democracy to thrive.... Before spreading falsehood/fake news/ fake counters/ base-less memes... think a little.... Don't be rats... In 2014, Narendra Modi came to power by our Goat-Mentality.... GUJARAT MODEL... DEVELOPMENT... etc... no one knows about Modi in that phase... despite Post-Godhra Riot 2002.... Now same Goat attitude.... Anti-Modi incumbency.... we blindly follow someone... more over prime objective is to replace present government for no reason.... you can support any leader, any political party.... the Governance is to be delivered by the Administrators who are permanent.... They influence the Law-makers with their draft proposals... they provide enough statistics/study report/recommendations which would also aide the opposition to bring down unhealthy policies/legislation....
Video link: (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana/ Video from PMO India Page)
Why should we be Vigilant on Media or Civil Societies?
They are 4th and 5th pillar of the governments. We often mock at our political representatives for being so dumb, irrational, uneducated etc. They don't fall from heaven. They are mere representative of us "we the people of India" in a Democracy. They reflect our views, voices etc in a Representative Democracy. Bureaucrats run the government. They aide the political bosses on policy making and execution. As i said early Democracy works on the Law of Consent. To make it Vibrant, Participative Democracy should be promoted which works on the Law of Co-action. On par with Media or Civil Societies, they are bestowed with this task of educating the common, making Vigilant citizen. But in the Market Economy, everything has a price tag, so the News Media/Press/CSO/Voluntary organization. They are potential enough to drive the people to elect or dismiss particular government.
Why Sedition Law used often? What is Incitement to Offence?

மத மாற்றம் பண்றதுகுட போகுது.... அனால் தேவாரம், திருவாசகத்தை திரித்து தமிழ் மக்கள் மனசுல நஞ்சு விதைச்சு.... நாடு இல்ல வீடு இல்ல.... வல்லரசு ஆசை ஒரு ஆணவம், மக்களை அழிச்சிடும்.... அடா அடா.... என்ன ஒரு பேச்சு.... மதத்தின் பெயரில் ஒரு சூழ்ச்சி.... அடுத்தவன் பேசுறது கைதட்டி கேட்பதை விடுத்து கேள்வி கேட்போம்..... அண்டவர் கூட மன்னிக்க மாட்டார்....
#Threat #Anti_National #Anti_Society #Urban_Naxal #Anarchy
#Freedom_of_Speech #Freedom_of_Expression #Freedom_of_Interpretation
Video link below
Communalisation of the Crime? Politicisation of the Crime?
Democracy, of the people, for the people, by the people, everyone define it simply this way. It is Rule of the Majority. It works on the Law of Consent. We call India a Democratic Republic (of course, it is Sovereign Socialist, Secular Democratic Republic).
Democracy is Rule of the Majority and where it comes Republic? What it really means?
Democracy is the rule of majority. Even in the elections, political parties get to power with mere 30% votes. This Majoritarian alignment might poss threat to the minority section (mobocracy, dadri lynching, genocide, ethinic cleansing, crime against sc/st/Muslims, attack on religious monuments.. Etc). So here come the need for The Republic. Yes Unlike Democracy, Republic is not mere Rule of Majority, it bestow obligation on the Government to preserve and protect People's Right. Democracy might violate the rights of minority whereas Republic has a duty to protect the equal rights of all.
"செருப்படி பதிவு,இந்தியனா இருந்த ஷேர் பண்ணு,தமிழனா இருந்த ஷேர் பண்ணு, சனாதன தர்மம்..." என்று அடுத்தவன் சொல்றத துளியும் தன் அறிவை பயன் படுத்தாது கேட்டு கைக்கொட்டி கொண்டிருக்கும் மக்கைளிடம் இருந்து மேம்பட்ட தலைவன் வருவது... அதுவும் மக்களால், மக்களுக்காக, மக்களே தேர்ந்தெடுக்கும் ஆட்சியில் சாத்தியமே இல்லை....
தன் அறிவை மேம்படுத்த முயற்சிக்காத மக்களிடையெ,
தரமற்ற அரசியலே தினிக்கப்படும்!!!
#Democracy #Educate_yourself #Be_Responsible_Citizen
Video link: (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana/ Video from PMO India Page)
Why should we be Vigilant on Media or Civil Societies?
They are 4th and 5th pillar of the governments. We often mock at our political representatives for being so dumb, irrational, uneducated etc. They don't fall from heaven. They are mere representative of us "we the people of India" in a Democracy. They reflect our views, voices etc in a Representative Democracy. Bureaucrats run the government. They aide the political bosses on policy making and execution. As i said early Democracy works on the Law of Consent. To make it Vibrant, Participative Democracy should be promoted which works on the Law of Co-action. On par with Media or Civil Societies, they are bestowed with this task of educating the common, making Vigilant citizen. But in the Market Economy, everything has a price tag, so the News Media/Press/CSO/Voluntary organization. They are potential enough to drive the people to elect or dismiss particular government.
Why Sedition Law used often? What is Incitement to Offence?

மத மாற்றம் பண்றதுகுட போகுது.... அனால் தேவாரம், திருவாசகத்தை திரித்து தமிழ் மக்கள் மனசுல நஞ்சு விதைச்சு.... நாடு இல்ல வீடு இல்ல.... வல்லரசு ஆசை ஒரு ஆணவம், மக்களை அழிச்சிடும்.... அடா அடா.... என்ன ஒரு பேச்சு.... மதத்தின் பெயரில் ஒரு சூழ்ச்சி.... அடுத்தவன் பேசுறது கைதட்டி கேட்பதை விடுத்து கேள்வி கேட்போம்..... அண்டவர் கூட மன்னிக்க மாட்டார்....
#Threat #Anti_National #Anti_Society #Urban_Naxal #Anarchy
#Freedom_of_Speech #Freedom_of_Expression #Freedom_of_Interpretation
Video link below
Communalisation of the Crime? Politicisation of the Crime?
Democracy, of the people, for the people, by the people, everyone define it simply this way. It is Rule of the Majority. It works on the Law of Consent. We call India a Democratic Republic (of course, it is Sovereign Socialist, Secular Democratic Republic).
Democracy is Rule of the Majority and where it comes Republic? What it really means?
Democracy is the rule of majority. Even in the elections, political parties get to power with mere 30% votes. This Majoritarian alignment might poss threat to the minority section (mobocracy, dadri lynching, genocide, ethinic cleansing, crime against sc/st/Muslims, attack on religious monuments.. Etc). So here come the need for The Republic. Yes Unlike Democracy, Republic is not mere Rule of Majority, it bestow obligation on the Government to preserve and protect People's Right. Democracy might violate the rights of minority whereas Republic has a duty to protect the equal rights of all.
"செருப்படி பதிவு,இந்தியனா இருந்த ஷேர் பண்ணு,தமிழனா இருந்த ஷேர் பண்ணு, சனாதன தர்மம்..." என்று அடுத்தவன் சொல்றத துளியும் தன் அறிவை பயன் படுத்தாது கேட்டு கைக்கொட்டி கொண்டிருக்கும் மக்கைளிடம் இருந்து மேம்பட்ட தலைவன் வருவது... அதுவும் மக்களால், மக்களுக்காக, மக்களே தேர்ந்தெடுக்கும் ஆட்சியில் சாத்தியமே இல்லை....
தன் அறிவை மேம்படுத்த முயற்சிக்காத மக்களிடையெ,
தரமற்ற அரசியலே தினிக்கப்படும்!!!
#Democracy #Educate_yourself #Be_Responsible_Citizen